Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder affects 2-3% of the population. While it can occur anytime from childhood to adulthood, it is most common in people 40 – 70 years of age. Women get it more commonly than men. The main indicator of frozen shoulder is joint pain and decreased mobility.

The shoulder joint is a ‘ball and socket’ joint that works with ligaments, tendons, and muscles to provide the support and strength required for us to move our arms in hands in various positions. Underlying inflammatory disease and misuse can compromise the use of the shoulder.

Frozen shoulder typically develops over the course of a few years. Thick strands of tissue begin to form and less lubrication becomes available for the joint. At this point, treatment is required.

Chiropractic doctors are able to provide the necessary manipulation and physiotherapy to help those suffering from frozen shoulder to regain mobility and resolve the problem.